Greetings from the Barito Basin! Aries, Ken and Jon followed Verbeek’s original (1875) geological map overlain onto Google Earth to find the Pengaron locality, from which a great fauna of corals and poorer molluscs was originally described. Just at the right point on the map – a river bank section - we found a thin series (4m) of massive, hard, bioclastic limestones and sands with corals, molluscs, algal balls, a shark tooth and vertebrate material abruptly and concordantly overlying thin-bedded silty mudstones. Various limestone horizons contained abundant, white, Nummulites, probably N. pengaronensis of Early Oligocene age (our LBF expert to confirm ID. We will go back and xplore more.
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Ed Baker,
Katherine Bouton
Alice Heaton
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Dave Roberts,
Simon Rycroft,
Ben Scott,
Vince Smith
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