
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
E. Di Martino, Taylor, P. D., Novak, V., Santodomingo, N., Rösler, A., Braga, J. Carlos, Johnson, K. G., Renema, W.2012Bryozoans from a Langhian patch reef in East Kalimantan (Indonesia)
E. Di Martino, Taylor, P. D., Novak, V., Santodomingo, N., Rösler, A., Braga, J. Carlos, Johnson, K. G., Renema, W.2012Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of a Miocene patch reef in East Kalimantan (Indonesia): a close-up on the bryozoan component
V. Novak, Santodomingo, N., Rösler, A., Di Martino, E., Braga, J. Carlos, Taylor, P. D., Johnson, K. G., Renema, W.2013Environmental reconstruction of a late Burdigalian (Miocene) patch reef in deltaic deposits (East Kalimantan, Indonesia)
W. Renema, Bellwood, D. R., Braga, J. Carlos, Bromfield, K., Hall, R., Johnson, K. G., Lunt, P., Meyer, C. P., McMonagle, L. B., Morley, R. J., O’dea, A., Todd, J. A., Wesselingh, F. P., Wilson, M. E. J., Pandolfi, J. M.2008Hopping Hotspots: global shifts in marine biodiversity
A. Rösler, Braga J. Carlos2012Coralline algae from the Miocene Mahakam Delta (East Kalimantan, SE Asia)
A. Rösler, Braga, J. Carlos, Perfectti, F.2011The origins and evolution of the modern Indo-Pacific reef algal flora: the coralline algae in the context of the THROUGHFLOW Project
A. Rösler, Perfectti, F., Peña, V., Braga, J. Carlos0Evolutionary history of the reef building coralline algae (Rhodophyta)
N. Santodomingo, Novak, V., Pretković, V., Marshall, N., Rösler, A., Di Martino, E., LoGiudice, E., Reich, S., Braga, J. Carlos, Renema, W., Johnson, K. G.SubmittedA diverse patch reef from turbid habitats in the Middle Miocene (East Kalimantan, Indonesia)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith